Scalable Superconducting Processors for Entangled Quantum Information Technology (ScaleQIT)

Programme: EU, 7th Framework Programme FP7

Project coordinator: Chalmers University of Technology
Partner Institutions: TU Delft, ETH Zürich, CEA, RWTH Aachen University, Universität des Saarlandes, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), UC Santa Barbara

Official project summary

The ScaleQIT vision is to “develop a conceptual platform for potentially disruptive technologies, advance their scope and breadth and speed up the process of bringing them from the lab to the real world.” ScaleQIT will address the engineering side of quantum information processing (QIP), analyzing and implementing realistic scenarios for scaling-up superconducting hybrid systems for quantum computing and quantum simulation. The work will be based on proven, well-functioning circuits and components that show great promise for integration into useful QIP systems. ScaleQIT will develop a quantum processor based on microwave resonators and waveguides coupling a small (5-10) number of superconducting qubits of the "transmon" type. It will achieve most of the functionalities required by DiVincenzo’s criteria, and will meet many of the challenges defined by the European Quantum Information and Processing Roadmap. For the development of a useful scalable platform, the ScaleQIT project will address a wide range of challenging issues, and take them far beyond the state of the art for multi-qubit platforms, addressing several central issues: feed-back and feed-forward control; error correction; quantum memory; quantum interfaces; algorithms and protocols for computing and simulation; design of scalable architectures for high performance quantum computing.
ScaleQIT aims for groundbreaking applications to quantum simulation of physical systems. If successful, it may already in the short term have a disruptive effect on the development of quantum information science. In the longer term, it can be expected to have a disruptive effect on the science of computation: combining functional processor units with, say, 10 qubits, into larger distributed systems will eventually have simulation power that rivals that of powerful digital computers. By really building and testing larger quantum-engineering systems, ScaleQIT will be a path-finder on the road to developing solid-state fault-tolerant quantum architectures.


EU, 7th Framework Programme FP7
The ScaleQIT vision is to “develop a conceptual platform for potentially disruptive technologies, advance their scope and breadth and speed up the process of bringing them from the lab to the real world.” ScaleQIT will address the engineering side of quantum information processing (QIP), analyzing and implementing realistic scenarios for scaling-up superconducting hybrid systems for quantum computing and quantum simulation.

Deterministic Quantum Teleportation with Feed-Forward in a Solid State System

Transferring the state of an information carrier between two parties is an essential primitive in both classical and quantum communication and information processing. Quantum teleportation describes the concept of transferring an unknown quantum state from a sender to a physically separated receiver without transmitting the physical carrier of information itself.



Mintu was a PostDoc in our group from April 2013 to March 2016. He obtained his PhD at Tata Institute of fundamental research in Mumbai, India. After leaving our group Mintu joined at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore USA, Group Prof. Peter Armitage, as a Research Staff Member in working on THz and infrared spectroscopy of topological insulators and other strongly correlated electron systems.

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Stefan Filipp was a PostDoc at the Quantum Device Lab from January 2008 to May 2014. After leaving our group he joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member in Experimental Quantum Computing. Since May 2020 he holds a position as Full Professor (Chair) in Physics at TU Munich and as Director of WMI of the BAdW.

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Since January 2012 Andreas Wallraff is a Full Professor for Solid State Physics in the Department of Physics at ETH Zurich. He joined the department in January 2006 as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in January 2010. Previously, he has obtained degrees in physics from Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, U.K., Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, Germany and did research towards his Masters degree at the Research Center Jülich, Germany.

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