Geometric phases, pumping, and dissipation in quantum devices (GEOMDISS)

Programme: EU, 7th Framework Programme FP7
Theme: Cooperation, Collaborative Research Projects, Information & Communication Technologie
Project homepage: see here
Eu project webpage: see here

Project Coordinator: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Partner Institutions: Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Aalto University, Weizmann Institute of Science, ETH Zurich, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, CNRS Grenoble, Universität Duisburg-Essen

Official project summary

Quantum mechanics governs the dynamics of microscopic and mesoscopic systems. One of the most intriguing aspects of quantum dynamics is the adiabatic geometric evolution. It allows for manipulation of the state of a quantum system by slowly varying the system's parameters along a contour in parameter space. Robustness of this technique motivated proposals of, e.g., geometric manipulations (gates) of quantum bits for quantum computing or geometric pumping of charge for setting the standard of current. It should also be noted that the statistical phase of identical particles (e.g., anyons), an element in the very foundations of quantum mechanics, is related to adiabatic dynamics (exchange of particles) as well.

The aim of this project is to assess the role of geometric manipulations in quantum solid-state devices for future ICT applications and in metrological applications under realistic conditions. Since all realistic solid-state devices suffer from dissipation due to their coupling to uncontrolled environment with many degrees of freedom it is crucial to understand how the geometric effects are modified and whether they are still useful. Also, since infinitely slow manipulations are impractical in solid-state devices, it is very important to explore the very concept of adiabatic limit, separating adiabatic and non-adiabatic regimes of evolution.

The influence of dissipation may be twofold. On one hand it is natural to expect the dissipation to suppress the effects related to quantum coherence. On the other hand dissipation may force the system into the instantaneous ground state and, therefore, enhance the precision of the adiabatic approximation. We expect, thus, that, unlike in majority of quantum phenomena, dissipation can sometimes stabilize the geometric phases and play a positive role in rendering them of practical importance. We also expect that experimental studies of adiabatic quantum evolution will shed a new light on the very nature of the dissipative environment typical for solid-state devices.

The main objectives of the project are:

a) To arrive at full theoretical understanding of how dissipation modifies geometric effects in various solid-state systems. Specifically, we study Josephson circuits, quantum dots, and nanowires.

b) To establish the existence of and measure geometric dissipative effects experimentally in Josephson circuits and in circuit-QED systems both via direct observation of Berry phases and via charge pumping measurements.

c) To investigate both experimentally and theoretically regimes where either dissipation or topological properties stabilize geometric effects.

d) To consider theoretically influence of dissipation and interactions on pumping of charge and spin in quantum dots and nanowires.

We will regard our project as successful if convincing experimental and theoretical results allow us to unambiguously determine the usefulness of geometric devices in future ICT applications (we, of course, hope for a positive answer). Experimental success will be measured by two criteria: 1) the ability to overcome the dissipation and reach precision of geometric manipulations similar to, e.g., that in quantum optics; 2) the ability to clearly identify and characterize the dissipative corrections to the geometric phases or pumped charge. Theoretical success will be measured by (i) the ability to explain experimental data to a good precision; (ii) the ability to quantify the degree to which dissipation affects geometrical effects (and undermine their observability); (iii) the ability to identify systems and regimes where presence of dissipation does not prohibit geometric manipulations.


EU, 7th Framework Programme FP7
The aim of this project is to assess the role of geometric manipulations in quantum solid-state devices for future information and communication technology applications and in metrological applications under realistic conditions.

Geometric phases in circuit QED

When a quantum mechanical system evolves under a time-dependent Hamiltonian, it acquires not only the wellknown dynamic phase, which is the time-integral of the energy of the system, but also a geometric phase. As indicated by its name, it is of a purely geometric nature in that it solely depends on the trajectory of the quantum system in state space.



Marek Pechal is part of the Superconducting Circuits team of the ETH Zurich - PSI Quantum Computing Hub. He joined the Quantum Device Lab in September 2020 as a Senior Assistant specializing on superconducting circuit design. After obtaining his bachelor's degree from the Charles University in Prague, Marek had worked in the Quantum Device Lab on a semester thesis and a master thesis project, continuing with a PhD project which he completed in September 2016.

Academic Title
+41 44 63 33116
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Stefan Filipp was a PostDoc at the Quantum Device Lab from January 2008 to May 2014. After leaving our group he joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member in Experimental Quantum Computing. Since May 2020 he holds a position as Full Professor (Chair) in Physics at TU Munich and as Director of WMI of the BAdW.

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Farruh worked with us as a PostDoc from October 2010 to August 2015. Previously he carried out a PhD thesis in the group of Prof. Alexey Ustinov at the University of Erlangen, Germany, that he completed in 2004. He continued there as a postdoctoral researcher until 2006, then he moved to Prof. Tsai's group at RIKEN, Japan.

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Since January 2012 Andreas Wallraff is a Full Professor for Solid State Physics in the Department of Physics at ETH Zurich. He joined the department in January 2006 as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in January 2010. Previously, he has obtained degrees in physics from Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, U.K., Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, Germany and did research towards his Masters degree at the Research Center Jülich, Germany.

Academic Title
+41 44 63 37563
HPF D8/9
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