NCCR QSIT, Subproject Hybrid quantum systems using microwave frequency on-chip resonators as a coupling bus

Programme: Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), NCCR

Project leader: Andreas Wallraff
Involved PIs: Atac Imamoglu, Christian Degen, Frédéric Merkt, Klaus Ensslin, Thomas Markus Ihn, Vanessa Wood, Daniel Loss, Philipp Treutlein

In this subproject of the NCCR Quantum Science and Technology (QSIT) the expertise in the respective fields of the participating PIs is combined to explore novel hybrid quantum systems in joint interdisciplinary projects. One major goal is to combine the long coherence times available in microscopic quantum systems with the strong interactions and high level of integration available in solid-state systems to explore new approaches to quantum information processing (QIP). Equally important is the development and exploration of new quantum control and measurement technologies, which exploit techniques originally developed in a specific field.

This subproject focuses on the use of microwave-frequency photons in quasi one-dimensional transmission-line resonators to mediate strong coupling between dissimilar quantum systems such as superconducting qubits, quantum dots, nitrogen-vacancy centers, Rydberg atoms and individual molecules. The strong coupling is used to manipulate and detect quantum states of individual quantum systems using on-chip solid-state microwave electronics. Making use of the large vacuum fields generated by individual photons in such circuits, approaches to realize coherent coupling between single photons and ensembles or individual systems is explored. This coupling is exploited to realize quantum coherent interfaces between specific quantum systems and microwave photons. Such interfaces are then used to coherently couple different quantum systems and to make use of their specific coherence properties either for storing quantum information or for efficiently manipulating it.


Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), NCCR
We combine the expertise of different research groups to explore novel hybrid quantum systems in joint interdisciplinary projects. One major goal is to combine the long coherence times available in microscopic quantum systems with the strong interactions and high level of integration available in solid-state systems to explore new approaches to quantum information processing.

Entanglement stabilization using ancilla-based parity detection and real-time feedback in superconducting circuits

The long-term success of quantum computers relies on the ability to perform fault-tolerant quantum computations using quantum error correction. In this approach, errors are detected through the repeated measurement of multi-qubit parity operators and corrected using feedback operations conditioned on the measurement outcomes. In the work [Andersen, npj Quantum Info 5, 69 (2019)], we demonstrate, for the first time with superconducting qubits, all major ingredients for performing quantum error correction implemented simultaneously with the same setup.

Dipole coupling of a double quantum dot to a microwave resonator

We have realized a novel device in which a semiconductor double quantum dot is dipole coupled to a GHz-frequency high-quality transmission line resonator. This approach allows us to characterize the properties of the double dot by measuring both its dispersive and dissipative interaction with the resonator. In addition to providing a new readout mechanism, this architecture has the potential to isolate the dots from the environment and to provide long distance coupling between spatially separated dots.

Experimental Monte Carlo quantum process certification

Tomography is the main method used for measuring the fidelity of an experimentally implemented quantum process. However, it is a very inefficient method since the number of measurements as well as the time needed for the data post-processing scale exponentially with the number of qubits. With the ongoing experimental progress and growth in system size, quantum process tomography will soon become infeasible in state-of-the art experiments.

Deterministic Quantum Teleportation with Feed-Forward in a Solid State System

Transferring the state of an information carrier between two parties is an essential primitive in both classical and quantum communication and information processing. Quantum teleportation describes the concept of transferring an unknown quantum state from a sender to a physically separated receiver without transmitting the physical carrier of information itself.



worked in our group as a research assistant from February 2013 to September 2014. Anna received her master's degree from the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University in Bonn, Germany in December 2012.

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Marek Pechal is part of the Superconducting Circuits team of the ETH Zurich - PSI Quantum Computing Hub. He joined the Quantum Device Lab in September 2020 as a Senior Assistant specializing on superconducting circuit design. After obtaining his bachelor's degree from the Charles University in Prague, Marek had worked in the Quantum Device Lab on a semester thesis and a master thesis project, continuing with a PhD project which he completed in September 2016.

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completed his PhD thesis in February 2014. After leaving the Quantum Device Lab Christian started to work for radionor.

Christian first joined our group to complete his diploma thesis in 2008 as an exchange student coming from LMU Munich. After his graduation in the summer of 2009, he rejoined our lab as a PhD student.

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was a PostDoc in our group from September 2011 to October 2012. He then moved on to Munich to study towards becoming a registered patent attorney. Klaus received his PhD degree in physics from the University of Oxford (UK), where he carried out his research in Prof. Ian Walmsley's group. His PhD work was on optical quantum memories and light-matter interactions.

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Stefan Filipp was a PostDoc at the Quantum Device Lab from January 2008 to May 2014. After leaving our group he joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a Research Staff Member in Experimental Quantum Computing. Since May 2020 he holds a position as Full Professor (Chair) in Physics at TU Munich and as Director of WMI of the BAdW.

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