Solid State Systems for Quantum Information Processing (SOLID)

Project homepage: see here
EU project webpage: see here
Project coordinator: Chalmers University of Technology
Partner Institutions: CEA-Saclay, TU Delft, ETH Zürich, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, IPHT Jena, CNRS Grenoble, Univ. of Basel, Techn. Univ. München, Univ. of Stuttgart, Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), JILA, UC Santa Barbara

Official project summary
The goal of the project SOLID is to develop small solid-state hybrid systems capable of performing elementary processing and communication of quantum information. This involves design, fabrication and investigation of combinations of qubits, oscillators, cavities, and transmission lines, creating hybrid devices interfacing different types of qubits for quantum data storage, qubit interconversion, and communication.

We implement small solid-state pure and hybrid QIP systems on common platforms based on fixed or tunable microwave cavities and optical nanophotonic cavities. Various types of solid-state qubits will be connected to these "hubs": Josephson junction circuits, quantum dots and NV centres in diamond. The approach can immediately be extended to connecting different types of solid-state qubits in hybrid devices, opening up new avenues for processing, storage and communication.

The objectives of SOLID are to design, fabricate, characterise, combine, and operate solid-state quantum-coherent registers with 3-8 qubits. Major SOLID challenges involve: Scalability of quantum registers; Implementation and scalability of hybrid devices; Design and implementation of quantum interfaces; Control of quantum states; High-fidelity readout of quantum information; Implementation of algorithms and protocols.

In the theoretical contributions to SOLID we plan to achieve maximal use of the available hardware for universal gate operation, control of multi-qubit entanglement, benchmark algorithms and protocols, implementation of teleportation and elementary error correction, and testing of elementary control via quantum feedback.

An important SOLID goal is also to create opportunities for application-oriented research through the increased reliability, scalability and interconnection of components. The SOLID applied objectives are to develop the solid-state core-technologies: Microwave engineering; Photonics; Materials science; Control of the dynamics of small, entangled quantum systems.

The goal of the project SOLID is to develop small solid-state hybrid systems capable of performing elementary processing and communication of quantum information. This involves design, fabrication and investigation of combinations of qubits, oscillators, cavities, and transmission lines, creating hybrid devices interfacing different types of qubits for quantum data storage, qubit interconversion, and communication.



Since January 2012 Andreas Wallraff is a Full Professor for Solid State Physics in the Department of Physics at ETH Zurich. He joined the department in January 2006 as a Tenure Track Assistant Professor and was promoted to Associate Professor in January 2010. Previously, he has obtained degrees in physics from Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, U.K., Rheinisch Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, Germany and did research towards his Masters degree at the Research Center Jülich, Germany.

Academic Title
+41 44 63 37563
HPF D8/9
Last Name