Spring 2017

Submitted by pamuelle on Sat, 09/30/2017 - 13:14
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(front row kneeling, from left to right) Sébastien Garcia, Simon Storz, Zhiren Wang, Theodore Walter, Christian Andersen, Ants Remm, Kevin Küng, Stefania Balasiu, Abdulkadir Akin (middle row, from left to right) Simone Gasparinetti, Mathias Stammeier, Anton Potocnik, Anna Stockklauser, Jacob Koenig, Josua Schär,  Gabriela Strahm, Francesca Bay, Janis Lütolf, Melvin Frey, Andreas Wallraff (back row, from left to right) Pasquale Scarlino, Philipp Kurpiers, Jean-Claude Besse, Graham Norris, Sebastian Krinner, Raphael Keller, Johannes Heinsoo, David van Woerkom

Shooting Date

AJA Sputterer

The “AJA sputterer” is a state of the art machine for deposition of normal metal or superconducting  thin ultra-high purity films on a substrate or wafer. In the field of superconducting circuits the coherence time of a quantum bit which can be used for information processing is strongly reduced by impurities in and at the boundary between materials. The AJA sputtering machine is currently one of the best products on the market that features tools for surface cleaning and the ultra-high quality material deposition.

Strong Coupling Cavity QED with Gate-Defined Double Quantum Dots Enabled by a High Impedance Resonator

The efficient transfer of energy across different quantum systems - an essential ingredient to quantum-information-processing protocols - requires that the coupling between these systems is stronger than the decay rate of either one. Here we report experiments in which we have reached this so-called strong-coupling regime in a hybrid system consisting of a gate-defined double quantum dot and a superconducting resonator.